Creating Mailing Labels with the TWCustMail Utility

As we approach the holiday season, you may be sending cards or gifts to your clients, wishing them a merry Christmas.  TurboTitle offers a utility that creates mailing labels directly from your TurboTitle customers.  Labels can be printed using the included mailing label format or you can export your list so you can print your labels elsewhere. We’ll walk you through using the utility, step by step.

Customer Mailing List Utility screenshot

Getting the Software

To get started, download the Customer Mailing List Utility. You will need to login to retrieve this file.  Please contact us if you need to recover your login information. When you have downloaded the file, extract the program from the zip folder and place the “TWMailList.exe” file in the desired location.  You might place it with any other TurboTitle utilities you use, or simply place it on the desktop to remove after you’ve finished the labels.  The only requirement is that it be on a computer running TurboTitle.  The Customer Mailing List Utility does not require further installation.

Selecting Customer

After launching the utility, create your mailing list begin by first selecting either the companies or individuals tab.  You select customers to print by appropriately filtering the list.

Note: The check boxes on the left are not used to select customers to print.  They indicate if a company is active or not.  You can change the active state of a customer using the check mark, or using the “Mark Selected Active” or “Mark Selected In-Active” buttons.  Be aware that this will also change the active state of the customer in TurboTitle.

Filtering the list can be done in several ways: the Show All/Active/In-Active buttons, predefined filters, or custom filters.

Show All/Active/In-Active buttons

Clicking any one of these buttons will filter the customers appropriately.

Predefined Filters

From the “Filter” menu, you can choose to Filter by Date, Filter by Salesperson, or to Filter by Escrow Officer.

  • Filter by Date will use the order date to display only customers who appear on an order that was placed within the date range selected.
  • Filter by Salesperson and Filter by Escrow Officer will show you individuals assigned to the selected Salesperson or Escrow Officer.  More than one Salesperson or Escrow Officer can be selected at once by holding the Ctrl key while clicking additional entries.

Custom Filters

You can create and use your own filter to find individuals meeting specific criteria.  From the “Filter” menu you can select “New Filter” and use your desired criteria to create a custom list.  This can be used to create a list of individuals with birthdays in July or to create a list of companies in a specific city.  Mix and match the available fields to get the list you want.  These filters can be saved and used whenever you need them.

Creating the Labels

Now that you have the correct individuals displayed, you can print the labels by selecting “Print” > “Print Avery 5160 Address Labels” from the menu.  If you would like to export these contacts to a spreadsheet, select “List” > “Export” from the menu.

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