Remote Online Notarization
Remote Online Notarization (RON) allows your customers to sign a closing without needing to leave home to complete the process. Turbo Title is currently working on an integration with to allow for RON closings. The integration with will be available in the near future but RON signings via can already be done using documents created in Turbo Title. A recent update adds the PDF bookmarks required for documents sent to Notarize. To get setup and begin using go here.
Stewart Title Integration
Turbo Title was recently integrated with Stewart Access. This allows Stewart Agents to receive CPLs & Policy Jackets without leaving Turbo Title. We have training videos on retrieving Stewart Jackets and CPLs.
REPC Deadline Reminders
TurboNet can now send daily emails about upcoming REPC deadlines entered in the Order Setup. You can choose how far in advance for each deadline type and they will go out automatically each day. Customers can unsubscribe themselves, or sign up for text message notifications as well. It will also help clients make sure they have submitted their latest addendum. Contact us to get started.
Simplifile Integration
Turbo Title has simplified sending documents to Simplifile. In the past only documents created in Scan could be used as Simplifile recordings. We have recently added DocArchive PDF files to be used also. Recordings returned from Simplifile now go directly to a tab named ‘Recording’ or another tab can be specified.
Click here for a quick overview or please call for detailed training on using Simplifile within Turbo Title.
Updating TurboTitle
You can always check for and install updates using TW Server Manager. Search for it in your start menu or download it from our website. New updates are usually available a couple of times a month.
Your Suggestions
We are always happy to hear from you about features that could make your TurboTitle life easier.