Rate Compare Tool

Turbo Title has added a ‘Rate Compare’ tool to display a comparison of the available underwriter rates. Buttons are available on the Main Screen and Turbo Policy Toolbars to initiate the ‘Rate Compare’ tool.

Training Videos:

Rate Compare Screen

When first loading the Rate Compare form data is populated from existing data in the current file.  You can make changes to any of the following:

  • Loan Amount: Will change the fee charge in the Lenders column of the Table
  • Sales Price: Changes the fees displayed in the Owners column of the Table
  • Lenders: This is a drop down to select the desired rate type
  • Owners: This is a drop down to select the desired rate type
  • Order Type: Allows user to select a different order type. Refinance order types may be used.
  • Use Simultaneous: Adjusts rate based on Simultaneous issue.
  • Subdivision/Builder Rate: Adjusts rates appropriately
  • Non-Residential: Automatically populated by the assigned

Additional buttons:

  • Refresh Rates: Click to reload data from the current file
  • Apply Rates: Click to write currently selected data to the file.

Underwriter Rate Selection

To add underwriters to the Rate Compare tool the underwriter must be assigned a ‘Rate Type’ in the Underwriter Setup form.

Drop down the ‘Rate Type’ combobox to select one of the desired built-in rate type for the underwriter. Usually you will want to select the tool that includes as part of the name ‘Most Recent’.

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